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Shopping for a Home

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAMy husband and I just purchased our home and are so excited and smiley these days, when you see us you think we have slept with a hanger in our mouth. A home is something almost everyone wants, but acquiring one can take a lot of work – and...

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What Are Stock Options and How Do They Work?

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAThis question popped up during a recent Savvy Ladies meeting. This Savvy Lady saw an advertisement on the internet for a course called Stock Options for the Savvy Trader – Make Millions With Little To No Risk. Should she sign up? It seemed...

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The Postnup

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAOne of the main topics at my latest seminar was prenup’s younger cousin, the postnuptial agreement, or postnup. “I didn’t sign a prenup,” one woman confessed, “and my husband’s spending habits are keeping me up at night. But if I demand...

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Marriage and Money

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAOne of the most common reasons women call me up is that they are dissatisfied with the way their husbands handle finances. They would therefore like to learn more, so that they can take over this crucial part of the household management. I...

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The 10% Rule

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAYesterday, I went shopping with a colleague of mine. (Yes, I know I advise against hobby shopping, but if kept under control it can be a great way to bond with your peers.) Everything was lovely, until she found a suit she liked, determined...

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