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Job Loss as Personal Growth

by Kristina LeonardiIf you are one of those people who has lost your job, or feel like a pink slip is on the horizon, I want you to know that I believe this can be one of the best things that will ever happen to you.Job loss can give you the opportunity to make a...

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Why You Need a Roth IRA

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAI met with a new client last week; a woman in her early thirties eager to get started on her nest egg. A discussion of her financial goals and priorities revealed that she hoped the not-so-distant future would bring her not only a home of...

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Don’ts for Skiing on a Budget

Ski season is almost, so here are some tips to get the most of your skinny skiing budget.Don’t Check Your Baggage, Compare FeesCalculate the cost of baggage fees for flying with your own equipment versus the cost of renting on-siteDon’t go Alone, The More the BetterGo...

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A Late Bill Won’t Kill Credit

Even the most responsible borrowers slip up sometimes. Maybe a utility bill went unpaid after you moved and the missed payment went into collections. Or perhaps there are unpaid library fines or parking tickets in collections that are hanging on to your credit history...

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Bounce Back Boot Camp

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFARecently, I received an email from one of my “Bounce Back Boot Camp” members who has difficulty planning a budget with a fluctuating income.  I’ve found that uncertain incomes are a common occurrence and can make your wallet stretch...

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Nanny Tax 101

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAI do not make it a habit to eavesdrop, but the girls at the table next to me at the smoothie bar this morning were so loud and animated, there was no way around it. They were all international students, pushing the benefits of babysitting...

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The Savvy Guide to Coupons

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAThink coupons spell cheap and cheesy? So did I, until a couple of weeks ago the woman in front of me in line at the grocery store used a whopping sixteen of them, saving over thirty dollars. This, with hardly any effort! I just had to ask...

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