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Gen X & Gen Y – Dialing Financial 911

by Manisha ThakorSix Reasons Why Gen X & Gen Y Need Some Serious Financial TLC  They’re scared: They’ve entered their adult years during a gut-wrenching economic and job market. With unemployment over 9.5%, they’ve seen their parents struggle. Over 7 out of...

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Shocking Statistics on Women & Retirement

by Manisha Thakor"Do you ever worry about ending up old and poor?"For many women, becoming the proverbial "bag lady under the bridge" is one of their worst nightmares. Myself included. I literally sit down with my husband and our financial planner twice a year to...

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Money Talk for Couples

by Susan HirshmanRecently I was interviewed for a story in the New York Times that focused on “money talk” for couples.  I received so much great feedback on the story that I felt compelled to address it here.The article opens up by saying…”One of the most...

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Ladies, Should You Ask For It?

by Manisha ThakorQuick - what was the first thing that came to your mind when you read the title of this post?What about "Gentleman, should you ask for it?" Would this change your response? For many people the female-oriented title raises sexual connotations while the...

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Daring To Be Ourselves… Financially

by Manisha Thakor Do you have enough money? Last week I wrote about the high cost to women of not speaking up for ourselves financially in the workplace.  One statistic from that piece keeps floating through my head like the Goodyear blimp:  Women...

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Have Less Holiday Financial Stress

by Manisha Thakor  Does holiday shopping & spending stress you out?A few years ago I stopped doing the holidays. My corporate job had me on a plane every 3 to 4 days. My daily work hours were in the double-digits, and the mere thought of picking out - let...

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5 Ways To Eat Out For Less

by Manisha ThakorTough economic times present an interesting financial conundrum for our tum-tums.During rocky periods it’s natural and healthy to want to seek out friends and companionship.  Breaking bread and having a good chat is a wonderful way to release...

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How To Be A Golden Girl

by Manisha ThakorAre you worried about ending up old and poor?The Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies, a non-profit, private foundation, recently released the results of their 11th annual survey on retirement issues.  The study is packed with eye-popping...

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5D’s To Protecting your Portfolio From Sabotage

5D’s To Protecting your Portfolio From Sabotage

by Susan Hirshman Risks to Your Financial Portfolio The most common response to the question “What are the biggest risks to your financial portfolio?” usually has something to do with market volatility – i.e. the up and down movements of the stock market. Would your...

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Big Money VS Little Money

by Stacy Francis, CFP®, CDFAThere is always that friend that makes a little bit more than you or maybe you’re the one who makes more. Regardless, once in a while that feeling of awkwardness arises when it comes time to paying the check or deciding where to go for the...

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Money Makes the World Go Round

by Kristina LeonardiArtists and musicians do it. Actors and writers do it. Designers do it. Nonprofits and entrepreneurs do it. To some extent, we all do it. We strive to maintain our authenticity, creativity and vision of who we are and what we want to express in the...

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Financial Foreplay: Are You Doing It?

by Manisha ThakorTime and again money is cited as one of the top causes for fights in relationships and divorce.  One way to prevent wallet wars is to engage in financial foreplay.   But first, some basics...What is financial foreplay? The process of getting...

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